Passenger Information – Projects & References

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Give us a call: +49 (0) 521 977 04-0 (Mon. to Fri.)

Projects & References

Wien Hauptbahnhof
Wien Hauptbahnhof
Salzburg Hauptbahnhof
Salzburg Hauptbahnhof
Südtiroler Platz-Hauptbahnhof
Südtiroler Platz-Hauptbahnhof
Wien Quartier Belvedere
Wien Quartier Belvedere
Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof ÖBB
Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof
Wien Westbahnhof
Wien Westbahnhof
Leit- und Orientierungssystem Wien Hauptbahnhof
Leit- und Orientierungssystem Wien Hbf
Wien Westbahnhof
Wien Westbahnhof

Austrian Federal Railways | ÖBB

We have implemented the product lines for all areas of passenger information with digital and classical passenger information systems in numerous projects for the Austrian Federal Railways. Our systems are located at the central traffic junctions in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck and many other cities. The applications range from simple timetable notices to analog and digital wayfinding systems to digital passenger information systems in a fitting and elegant design for the Austrian Federal Railways.

BVG Infosäule
19 Zoll TFT-Displays für BVG-Leuchtsäulen
Berlin Richard-Wagner-Platz Bushaltestelle

Berlin Public Transport | BVG

Our digital passenger information systems with 19“ and 21.5” displays were installed on a total of 403 illuminated columns and 537 bus and tram stops. When upgrading the existing information totems and waiting areas, our main priorities consisted of finding a cost-effective solution which nevertheless enabled efficient system monitoring. Because of our work in that regard, downtimes are minimized and faults can be fixed within an extremely short amount of time!

More Information

U-Bahnhof Bonner Wall in Köln
U-Bahnhof Bonner Wall in Köln
Breslauer Platz/Hbf U-Bahnhof Köln
Breslauer Platz/Hbf U-Bahnhof Köln
U-Bahnhof Rathaus in Köln
U-Bahnhof Rathaus in Köln
U-Bahnhof Chlodwigplatz in Köln
U-Bahnhof Chlodwigplatz in Köln
U-Bahnhof Kartäuserhof in Köln
U-Bahnhof Kartäuserhof in Köln

Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe AG (Cologne Transport Company) | KVB

We supplied and installed systems for the Cologne public transport company that enable classical poster displays for timetables, network maps and advertising. Various showcases and totems were used, some of which had to be integrated into niches under difficult conditions. Additionally, combinations with fire extinguishers and emergency call machines were implemented.

More Information

Berlin Hauptbahnhof
Hauptbahnhof - Lehrter Bahnhof in Berlin
Leipzig Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz
Leipzig Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz
Bahnhof Berlin Südkreuz
Bahnhof Berlin Südkreuz
Münster Hauptbahnhof
Münster Hauptbahnhof
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Dynamische Fahrgastinformationssysteme Berlin Südkreuz
Bahnhof Berlin Südkreuz

Deutsche Bahn | DB

The Deutsche Bahn is one of our longest-standing customers and we have been able to implement various passenger information projects for them in Germany. From timetable and advertising showcases for the Berlin Central Station to the digital and analog equipment of hundreds of stops to digital pilot projects at Berlin’s Südkreuz or in the Münster Central Station – all has been done by us. There should only be a few stations in Germany without at least one information showcase by us.

Further Projects for Railway, Public Transport and Other Transport Companies

Die digitale Lichtsäule im BVG-Gelb vor dem Roten Rathaus.
BVG Diggi Berlin
Kinderleicht - mittels Touchscreen werden Informationen in Echtzeit abgerufen.
Over 220 digital bus stops in Mainz
ZOB Pforzheim
Central Bus Station Pforzheim
Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Meißen
Central Bus Station Meißen
Stuttgart Hbf Arnulf-Klett-Platz U-Bahnhof
Stuttgart Main Station – Arnulf-Klett-Platz Subway Station
Smart-City-Systeme in Zürich (CH)
Smart City Systems in Zurich (CH)
Smart City Digital Signage
Smart City Systems Lucerne (CH)
Flughafen Berlin
Mega-City-Light and CLP-Showcases Berlin Airport
Fahrgastinfo für die Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe AG KVB
Cologne Transport Company AG | KVB
Ettlinger Tor Staatstheater U-Bahn Haltestelle
Karlsruhe Subway “Combi-Solution”
Polescreen Intelligente LED-Straßenbeleuchtung
Intelligent Smart Poles in Essen
Grenanderbogen Berlin Hermannstraße
Arch With Timetable Box
Digital Signage Wien
Timetable Showcases And Monitor Systems At Vienna Central Station (ÖBB)
Digitale Fahrgastinformation Hauptbahnhof Salzburg
Passenger Information Salzburg Main Station
Dynamische Fahrstinformation mit digitalen Anzeigetafeln am ZOB in Werther (Westf.)
Dynamic Passenger Information With Digital Notice Boards
Dynamische Fahrgastinfo Wandmonitore Wörgl Hbf
Dynamic Passenger Information at Wörgl Main Station
Eine der dynamischen Infosäulen in klassischem Haltestellen-Design.
Dynamic passenger information for Berlin
Digitale Infostele für Stadtmarketing und ÖPNV
Digital Information Totem for City Marketing & Public Transport
Digitale Fahrgastinformation Münster Hauptbahnhof
Digital Passenger Information Münster (Westf.) Main Station
Dynamische Fahrgastinfo Leipzig
Digital Passenger Information Leipzig (Deutsche Bahn)
Digitale Bushaltestellen München
Digital Bus Stop Munich
Berlin Hauptbanhof Vitrinen
Berlin Central Station
Digitale Fahrgastinformationssysteme SSB
Barrier-Free & Interactive Passenger Information Systems (SSB)

We Would Like to Thank a Total of Over 40,000 customers, including:

Kundenlogos und Referenezen

Personal Support and Advice

Phone: 0521 977 04-0

You can reach us Monday to Thursday from 7:30am to 5:00pm and Friday from 7:30am to 3:00pm.

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